Making an email alias means making an email that shares the same mailbox with a completely different e-mail address both for the inbound as well as the outgoing e-mails. For instance, you are able to create an email address and it will be associated with a unique mailbox. Next, you can make an alias, that can make use of the mailbox of sales@ and won't have a mailbox of its own. Once you look at your email messages, you will see e-mails sent to both of the two email addresses in one location, which may be more convenient in some circumstances because you will not need to log in and out of numerous email addresses using webmail or create various email addresses in an email application. This option is frequently used as a substitute for forwarding e-mails from a single address to a different one if a number of addresses are mentioned for contact on a website.

E-mail Aliases in Cloud Website Hosting

The Hepsia Control Panel, that comes with each cloud website hosting plan that we provide, will help you set up as many aliases as you want for the email addresses you make in your account. Setting up or removing an alias will require a few clicks, so that you can manage a number of email addresses in one mailbox even if you employ webmail or an email client on your PC or smartphone. In this way, you can take advantage of multiple email addresses for personal or business communication and save time by linking them to one or several mailboxes. It's also possible to combine having aliases for a specific mailbox and forwarding all the inbound messages from a company to a personal e-mail address in case you check the latter more often.

E-mail Aliases in Semi-dedicated Servers

Attaching aliases to any email addresses will be very simple in case you have a semi-dedicated server plan with our company and your emails are managed on our end. You can create or delete an alias through the Emails section of the Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, which is provided with each account. You can also have multiple aliases, so in case you manage a company, for example, each and every employee could have their own e-mail, but all messages sent to them can be seen by everybody in one mailbox. In this way, handling the e-mail conversation with clients is significantly less time-consuming and much more coordinated. When some of the e-mails have to reach different divisions too, you can combine using aliases along with our email forwarding option.