Site Optimization Tools
Incorporated Site Optimization Tools to take your website to the next level
With the range of Site Optimization Tools incorporated into the Web Site Control Panel, you’re able to begin promoting your brand–new website, as soon as it is built. With the RSS News software, you can quickly place a consistently updated news part in your site. Using the GeoIP redirection program, you’re able to direct your customers in accordance with their location. Moreover, from the Sitemap Generator, you can make a detailed sitemap for your web site and submit it to search engines.
A Sitemap Generator
A sitemap generator incorporated straight into your Web Site Control Panel
If you have just recently released your site and want it to be indexed faster by the the major search engines, or if you need to present your users a rapid way to browse through all of your web pages, you’ll need to employ a sitemap. Sitemap is a a listing of all the web pages on your site that have been linked to. Usually, you’ll have to rely upon 3rd party applications to get the job done, however, with, you can get a Sitemap Generator built directly into the Web Site Control Panel.
The Sitemap Generator we offer is really convenient to use and since it’s truly compatible with’s cloud cloud website hosting plans platform – your web site will be crawled quickly.
GeoIP Redirection
Physical location–focused redirections with a mouse click gives you an excellent way to re–route your clients based on physical location. With the GeoIP redirection application, you could redirect all of the visitors who come from a certain area to a native language version of your site. For example, if you have an Italian version of your web site, you can easily send all of the site visitors coming from Italy to that page in contrast to asking them to change to Italian after they land on the English variation. This will help you offer your site visitors with a natural online stay from the beginning.
There’s no need for any particular skills or technical know–how to employ the GeoIP re–direction tool. It’s all configured with just a click of the mouse.
RSS News
Present the latest news within your web site
What exactly is RSS? RSS represents a method for distributing and gathering content. It is being widely used by information web sites, personal weblogs, newscasts, etcetera. The published content is easily picked up by a news reader and afterwards made available to the user. Employing RSS, customers may get hold of announcements from many different websites and go through them in a single location.
Using the RSS News Syndication application, you can quickly add news feeds coming from a lot of the world’s most popular publication outlets and display them on you site.